Monday, April 14, 2008

New FO and progress reports

(That's Finished Object for you non-knitting types...)

I really love how this piece came out. As seen in an earlier post this is my take on Interweave Knits Montego Bay scarf. It is knit is Southwest Trading Company Bamboo.

The drape is really wonderful and the pattern looks so much more complicated than it is (it's just a K1,Yo repeat on the front and purl on the back). I thought the tiny braid fringe was going to make me CRAZY but I am glad I did it, it looks good.

I decided I really didn't like the way the manly leg warmers were going so I started over. Why did I think I would be satisfied with something knit in acrylic anyway? The microfiber was in my stash (leftover from another time I thought I wanted to use it but decided not to ... I see a pattern developing...) so no harm, no foul, but I just didn't like the way the project turned out.

Luckily I remembered I also had some Regia sock yarn in my stash from the time I thought I wanted to make socks. I realized later I have no desire WHATSOEVER to make socks (I thumb my nose at the knitters who are scoffing at me for this statement!!) but that is a story for another day.

Manly leg warmers: take 2. This is unblocked but already so much more cozy and user-friendly to knit. It's got a swirled rib body section with K2,p2 ribbing top and bottom. And because it's superwash wool we've preserved the ease of care I was originally going for.

The visit to Milwaukee went well and I met some fellow knitters/crocheters in the prop shop there. I have a trip to Indianapolis for another interview this week so send some good travel mojo my way!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

OOOHHHH! I have a project going in the bamboo too!!