Sunday, March 9, 2008

Separation anxiety and delayed gratification

As I was packing for my trip to Texas I pondered, of course, what yarn to bring with me. I've already chosen an airplane project (more on that below) but will likely need something more to occupy me over the 3 week stay. In the end I decide on some Cascade 22o to make an ear-warmer (or hat) and gloves set. This second project, however, will not fit in my carry-on, only in my checked bag. As I pack it up I realize that, in addition to the sadness of being away from my stash for nearly a month, I am feeling real, honest to goodness anxiety about checking my yarn! I find the minuscule possibility that it might be lost almost unbearable! This is, I am fairly certain, NOT normal ... :)

My airplane project: Interweave Knits Montego Bay scarf.

The original was done in blue variegated silk, mine will be burgundy bamboo (nice drape, I have a ton of it). Simple-check, compact for travel-check, durable yarn-check, more interesting than stockinette-check. We are cleared for knitting!

We are not, however, cleared for take off ... it seems my dreams of spinach enchiladas will be put on hold for a few days. Remember that lovely scenic photo of the snow out my window? Well, those nice little snow showers have backed up travel all over the northeast. The first leg of my flight to Houston today was cancelled and the soonest they can get me out is Tuesday. I waited around on standby for another flight for a few hours today but when they started asking for volunteers from the ticketed passengers to give up their seats I realized it was pretty hopeless. Besides, that was just the first leg of the trip and I was just as likely to get stuck in either Newark or Cleveland until tomorrow or Tuesday. Anyway, made some calls, rearranged the plans, and will begin my trek to the Lone Star State all over again in a couple days.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh that stinks! Good luck to you, I am thinking some warm solar rays your way, hope they work!