Thursday, October 16, 2008

Running on Empty

I haven't been posting here much, and I haven't been knitting much. I've been spending most of my personal project time working on wedding stuff and I'm even starting to feel DIYed out on that!! I'm at this point where I just want some instant gratification and starting a new knitting project just feels sort of overwhelming.

I realized the other day that I need to take a little break and find some inspiration. I keep picking up my yarn and needles/beads and wire/ and putting them down in frustration a few minutes later. I just don't have a good vision of what I want to accomplish. It's time to just relax, re-awaken my senses, collect some research of things I like, and let it all swim around inside my brain a little before I come back to the nuts and bolts of making things.

And that is A-okay.

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